At Atlas Academy, we are here to support you every step of the way, even through challenging times. Whether you face circumstances that interfere with your preparation, have changed your mind about your study plans, or have not seen the success you expected on your exams, we are here to help.

Here you will find overviews of our cancelation and refund policies by program. Should you desire assistance in identifying options for changing your study plans, you can always find us at [email protected]

If you withdraw from your AA program or cancel your plan, you will be eligible for a refund on the following terms:

  • If you choose to withdraw your enrollment in a classroom course, LiveOnline course, or a Small Group Instruction ten or more days before the first scheduled session of your program, we will refund all of the tuition you have paid (including your deposit). If you decide to withdraw your enrollment in a classroom course, LiveOnline course, or a Small Group Instruction less than ten days before the first scheduled session of your program, we will refund all of the tuition you have paid less your deposit. No refunds will be given after the first scheduled session of the program in which you enrolled.
  • After your purchase of private tutoring, you have 90 days to begin tutoring, or you will forfeit all unused tutoring hours and online services. If within 48 hours after your enrollment, you choose to withdraw from a private tutoring program without using any tutoring hours, we will refund all of the tuition you have paid. If you choose to withdraw from a private tutoring program after 48 hours from your enrollment without using any tutoring hours, but within 90 days of enrollment, we will refund all of the tuition you have paid less a fee of $499.
  • If within 48 hours after your enrollment you choose to withdraw from any of our self-paced online programs with a cost of more than $499, we will refund all of the tuition you have paid less a fee of $499, but withdrawals after 48 hours from your enrollment are not eligible for any refund. Please note that no refunds are available for any of our self-paced online programs with a cost of less than $500.
  • Shipping costs will not be refunded. Also, the $50 fee paid by students on a payment plan is non-refundable.
  • In order to receive a refund as set out in the preceding bullet points, you must return any program materials you received to us unopened and with no marks in the materials within two weeks of withdrawing your enrollment. Shipping costs for the return of materials are at your expense. If you fail to return your program materials within two weeks or do not return them unopened and unmarked, A will deduct from any refund for which you are eligible the following amount:
      • your deposit, if you were registered for a classroom course, LiveOnline course, or Small Group Instruction
      • $499, if you were registered for a private tutoring program (other than Homework Help).
  • Note that no refunds are available for admissions counseling services. Counseling sessions must be scheduled in advance, and are subject to the counselor's availability. If you need to reschedule a meeting, please do so in a timely manner. If you miss a scheduled meeting with your counselor, you will be charged a fee of seventy-five dollars. If you cancel a meeting within twenty-four hours of your scheduled meeting time, you will be charged a fee of seventy-five dollars.

  • You can cancel your Homework Help (online on-demand tutoring) plan by visiting our main website, signing into your account, and clicking the appropriate link on your account page. When you cancel your plan, we will stop charging your credit card and will stop refilling your account with minutes each month. Any unused minutes left in your account will be good until what would have been your next billing date, at which time they will expire and be non-refundable. Notwithstanding the above, if you cancel your Homework Help plan within 30 days of your purchase, you can call us to request a refund for any unused minutes left in the account on a prorated basis. For example, if you select a hypothetical 100-minute plan for $50 per month, use 50 of your 100 minutes, and request a refund within 30 days of your purchase, we will refund $25 of your initial payment. No refunds will be made if you cancel your account after your first 30 days. Please note that for security reasons, we process refund requests only by phone, at the number set forth above.

How do I get my refund?

Within 3 days, please contact us via email or chat.

Please provide your full name and email address you use to log into your Atlas Academy account.

Email: [email protected]

Chat: Use the chatbox found on our main webpage.